Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I really didn't want to be spoiled for Episode III.

Sure, I watched the trailers, checked out TFN and the official site, but was very careful to avoid some of the more spoiler oriented sites and forums. You see, for Episode I, I was too busy with two babies under two years old, but for Episode II, they were old enough where they had seen Episode I and IV, but we were iffy on letting them see Episode V or VI, so I wanted to know as much about AotC to be sure they were ready.

So I wanted to be fresh for Episode III. Sure, there are things we all know will happen, but it is the entire framework that will make the experience.

Then along comes LEGO Star Wars. I finish Episode I, which was really cool. Then I work through Episode II, which was even cooler, albeit seeming too short (was it, or was it just me enjoying it so much?). Then I come to a door marked 'III' ... what to do ... could I hold off until after seeing the movie?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING?!?! That decision took three seconds, and I was through ...

So now I'm spoiled, but not anticipating it any less ...

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