Sunday, September 14, 2008

Retro: Demos galore ... and no more PC games ...

So I wandered into my local EBGames tonight on the way home from work to see if they had the new Mage Knight games for the DS and PC. I went straight to the counter because I didn't have much time. The guy there used to work at the store in the Mall, and is one of the more competent game store guys I've met. So while he grabbed me a copy of the DS game Mage Knight: Destiny Soldier, I asked about the PC game, and he said - boy, it has been a while since you've been in here ... we don't carry *any* PC games here anymore, unless there is a pre-order. Whoa-boy! There goes another source of off-the shelf purchases! I also noticed a basket with game demos and asked about PSP demos - he said that they are supposed to go to people who pre-order or reserve those games, but that if I reserved *anything* I could get all of the demos. So I left with demos for SOCOM 2, Gangs of London and Killzone - which I also reserved.

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